Events and Campaigns:
Healthy Hunger Gift Cards
Healthy Hunger supporting us even more with their Giftcard Program!
Buy e-gift Cards through their site and a portion will come back to the school!!
Purdys Chocolate Holiday Fundraiser
In preparation for the holidays, Berrigan parent council is fundraising with Purdys Chocolates! Browse the catalogue at the link below to place your order. All orders are due November 16, and will be shipped to school (free) for pickup during the first week of December.
Purdys Chocolate Fundraiser Catalogue
If you have any questions, you may contact the council at [email protected].
Healthy Hunger Lunches
Berrigan Parent Council is excited to share that the lunch program will be available beginning early October. Pizza and Subway are back on the weekly menu!
If you are interested, orders can be placed through the Healthy Hunger website, which will now be used for our lunch programs.
It’s simple, easy and user friendly. You can also decide how many lunches you want to buy your child(ren) from now until the end of the calendar year!
Payment is via credit card or interac online to your child's teacher/school. If you choose to purchase lunches, they will be delivered to your child's classroom during the second nutrition break on the designated days.
Please see this parent info page to help guide you through the step by step process to sign up on the Healthy Hunger website. If you have any questions about the lunch program, you can contact the parent council anytime at: [email protected].
Or, you may also contact Hunger Healthy directly (for technical support): [email protected]
Stay Tuned for more exciting news here:
More information will be posted here.